Sunday, 29 April 2007

9 months and 17 days...

Till we're married! To tell you the truth its going very quick...I've got lots to do that I should have done already...not sorted out the photographer yet...oh well, we'll sort something out!

In light of my up coming nuptials (He he!) I've started my fitness program...I'm always trying to be fit. I have a gym membership and I always lose weight right before summer and keep it off all summer long...but start to put it on just before November...and then there's Christmas...such a vicious circle! But not this year! I'm going to lose the weight and keep it off over the winter! I must otherwise I won't fit into my dress!

But here is my progress...I started last Sunday on my new "diet". It's a healthy eating diet...but it's basically re-educating me on what to eat and how much to eat and giving me lots of new's been good. But I lost 4lbs the week before I started...Which was great...and this past week I've lost another 3lbs! I was so happy this morning as I stepped on the scales. I know that it's not always going to be like this but as long as I focus and keep motivated then I will succeed.

I've also started running again. I do enjoy running (and it helps with the weight around my hips and thighs!) but I have a bigger goal this year. For the past three years I've run in the Cancer Research "Race for life" and every year I've had the same goal. "To run the whole thing and to do it in less than 30 minutes". The first two years I didn't succeed in either item...but last year I trained a lot...and ran the whole thing and in under 30 minutes. 29:12 to be exact! And it was 32 degrees and there wasn't any shade along the whole route. Needless to say...IT WAS HOT!

So this year...i needed a new Goal. I'm going to do the Cancer Research 10K and my to run the whole thing and to do it in less than 65 minutes...I have a lot of training to do!

I've not started my fundraising yet but once I do I will post a link so you can all sponsor me! :)

As for our wedding...we're getting it sorted...just last week we decided on our invites, our place holders and our party favours! I've already got my dress and we've decided on the dresses for the's quite difficult planning a wedding over the Internet...but it will be great fun for all (I hope anyways!)

Till next time!

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Happy Housework Day!

Today is Saturday, and on Saturday's we get up and clean the house. This is a fairly new routine but something that Smiley and I have talked about many times in the past...mainly when we're so sick of the place because it's a disaster! So when we moved I made a FIRM decision that every Saturday morning we would get up and clean. We've been here for 3 weeks now and I've got up for the past 3 Saturdays and cleaned the house. I hate doing it as I am just lazy by nature and always have been. But this morning something was different. It didn't seem to take as long and I didn't necessarily enjoy it but I knew that the house would be lovely and clean so I enjoyed that thought!

I have a friend who does her house cleaning on Fridays and she calls it Happy Housework Day. She loves cleaning but I suspect it's the end result that she loves, not the cleaning itself.

I know I'm only 3 weeks into my house cleaning routine but it's 2 weeks longer than I've ever gone before. I love having the washing going only on one day and with the weather nice I can hang it outside and can take down the line by the end of the weekend so our garden isn't cluttered with it all week. It's such a nice change to the way I've been doing things for the past 10 or so years since I left home.

I know "they" say that it takes you 7 weeks to develop a four more weeks and I should do it without a thought!

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Another First...

Well, it doesn't seem like I'm experiencing many "firsts" recently...When I moved to England 4 years ago I had a lot of my first car, my first "snog", my first car accident with a cement pillar...among others which I just can't remember. Most of my firsts were regarding they have different ones here there were a lot that I'd never seen before...My first Badger, my first Pheasant, my first fox...unfortunately all of those were dead along the road side...I say unfortunately but apparently they can be a bit of a pain...

On Saturday I was cleaning the bedroom and looked out the window and in our neighbours yard was a fox (not dead!). I was stunned! as we do live in a built up area and it was just laying there as calm as can be! We took a picture as it was a first for me!

BTW...the long grass and dandelions are not ours...remember this is our neighbours yard...we live on the other side of the painted fence with the lovely manicured lawn...not that you can see it!

Monday, 23 April 2007

Should we leave the the past?

I've been searching for something to write about other than the fact that I did the washing and cleaned the bathroom on Saturday...I've pretty much come up with NOTHING! That's right, Evette doesn't have anything to say...Ok...before you start catching flies as your chin has hit the ground in total and utter shock and horror (ok...amazement) that I don't have anything to say, let me clarify...I don't have anything to say that is overly interesting...but I've come up with something.

About 2 weeks ago I received an email from a previous life inviting me to join facebook...Now I've received about 20 of these things in the last 5 years and most have them have been from my cousin. No one else that I know uses them and it's just a waste of time...but the next day I received another one from a girl I used to work with at Starbucks...this of course has me interested...Jen...I get emails from all the time...Jill...ok...this might be worth looking I joined...and it is So Cool!

I moved around quite a bit when I was younger and have lost contact with an awful lot of people. Since joining facebook I'm now in contact with some of those people again...which I think is very cool.

I was talking about this with a co-worker and we got into a discussion about these types of applications. Classmates, Friends Re-United...they're pretty much the same but Facebook is different as its FREE! I think that is why it has taken off so well. But our discussion went on to discuss the type of people you get back in contact with. She made a very valid point and mentioned that peoples marriages have broken up because they've got in contact with a past flame and have decided to go back to them. She said that the past is called the past for a reason and that's where it should be left.

I'm not so convinced...sure marriages have broken apart because of this...but marriages have broken apart because of the Young secretary or the Sexy Pool boy...I don't see that meeting up with the past will be the definite cause of a marriage to break up. Usually there is an underlying cause and something will trigger it in the end.

I think it's great that I'm now in contact with friends that I've lost touch with. I'm such a nosey person and I love that you can see who your friends have become friends with and pictures are being posted and all sorts...friendly banter across a number of friends. I've now got 56 friends and a couple are even people I had completely forgotten about (this is what happens as you get older!)

But why be afraid of the past when you can rekindle friendships that you thought were lost long ago just because you never got around to writing that letter or email or picking up the phone...why not have another go with those friends.

The only danger that lies there is forgetting that we all change as time goes on...nothing will be exactly as it was (but that would be boring!)

To all my friends who I've re-found in the past couple of months!

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Happy 65th Birthday Rosa!

(hope you had a good time last night...I'm still feeling a wee bit rough!)

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

I'm Back - What's next?

Hi! I know it seems as though I've been slacking at my blogging at such an early stage...but I had a very, very good excuse. I moved over Easter weekend and only got my broadband connection hooked up today! So the only connection that I had was a work one or a dial up and I obviously was working far to hard to blog while I was at work and dial up was doing my head in it was that slow!

Which brings me to today's point!

10 years ago (or so) I remember moving into a basement suite with a friend and we had to wait soooooooo long to get our telephone connection sorted out. So for a month I was walking up the road to use the pay phone. When we moved over Easter weekend we got our telephone connection installed the very morning we moved in...this is the way it should be. But here is where they catch you.

In order to have broadband internet connected you need to have a "BT" telephone line hooked up. Unless you go with Cable but that's a whole other story that I'm not even going to get into!

So we ordered our BT line as you do when you move. That was installed the day (before, actually) we moved in. We then had to wait 48 hours before we were even able to order the broadband connection. Once ordered we then had to wait another 5 working days...and it was Easter...Grrrrr....that's a week and a half without a broadband connection!

It just seems that we now have to wait for our broadband connection the way we used to wait for our phone connection. At least the phone connection has come along some way in the past ten years. Too bad pretty much everyone and their brother has a mobile phone so the land line connection isn't as essential anymore.

Is it just me or does it seem like the world keeps holding back our essential services (thats right, a fast internet connection is essential!) just to make us appreciate them more once we get them back?

I sometimes wonder where this world is headed. Not in a bad sense...just in a curiosity sense. It wasn't so long ago that there was no electricity or cars and the thought of being able to talk to another person on the other side of the world without delay was unknown. We are so hungry for enhancing what we've got I just wonder if it'll ever end. What is the next big thing to come out...what will we "need" next?

Will we ever run out of new things to invent and discover?

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Happy Birthday Bethany!
Careful, you're on your way to being old and crusty like me :)

Back to Normal...well, almost!

Ok...So even though I left the packing to the very last minute...the move went fairly smoothly. I started packing on Thursday...and finished on Friday by noon. Smiley took me to the new place...and I proceeded to unpack everything I had just so carefully packed *sigh*. Due to my ill health I did manage to get the kitchen unpacked and only broke one wine glass and one of Smiley's special beer glasses we brought back from Brussels with us. (oops!). There is still a lot to do but I've decided that I'll do an hour every evening until its all done...Hopefully by the weekend it'll be sorted!

I am back at work today...and feeling...okish...still a lot of pressure in my head but apparently that is to be expected and still feeling a little fuzzy...Not sure...but perhaps they removed part of my brain in the process? (Ack! I hope not).

I am very happy to be back at work again. I was getting quite bored with laying on the couch all day with Smiley fetching my meals...Now for some hard work! :)

Right. Sorry for such a dull and tedious post...but just wanted to say that the move went well and I love my new house...and I'm starting to feel like myself again after my surgery.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007 Two Days! is it a bad thing that I haven't even started to pack and we're moving in 2 days? I'm feeling well enough now to do it...I just can't be bothered...I think the two weeks off work has made me lazy! Well, lazier than I was before my surgery. I hate it when you know you should be doing something productive but you just can't convince yourself to get up and do it. Although, to my defence I have done a bit of packing...lets see...I've packed the wine and most of the alcohol...but the wine was already in boxes...does that count? I've packed most of my shoes (that took ages!) and the cook books are all boxed up (one small box...) ummmm...that's about it...Oh dear! I have an awful lot of work to do then!

But 2 days till I'm in a house! A house with a Garden! and loads of room! Yipee! I'm so tired of this flat and the neigbours...they're loud! The place is always a mess and we never have anyone over and most days I couldn't even tell you if it was nice out or not. We will both have our own offices so hopefully we won't get under each others feet while working anymore. It has a loft conversion which we will use as our spare room, I just hope we can get a double bed up there!

Right...I need to get packing!

Monday, 2 April 2007

April Fools...(a day late!)

So yesterday morning i was sitting here minding my own business, not even knowing what day it is as I haven't left the house in a week and a half, and Smiley comes up to me attempting to be all serious like and says "Did you see? there was a huge fire in Jasper...the whole town has burnt to the ground". Of course I just looked at him and said "what?". It wasn't that I believed him, or disbelieved him...I think I'm still in such a daze that everything needs to be repeated to me twice before I actually "hear" what has been said. So before I had even processed it...he yells "April Fools! Ha ha! Got you!" Although I'm not sure he could consider that as "getting me" I hadn't even processed what he had said. So I don't think it counts.

For those of you who don't understand why I would be concerned about Jasper burning to the ground other than the fact that it is an amazing and beautiful place. Richard (Smiley) and I are getting married there next February and it would through a spanner into the works if it indeed had burnt to the ground.

I'm not a big fan of April fools...mainly because I just don't care. I'm not clever enough to be able to pull the wool over someones eyes...or because I'm the most gullible person on the planet! But all the jokes that seem to be played on me have all be overly pathetic...Don't get me wrong...this is not a challenge to see if you can get me next year...Grrrr!

The one April fools that I do remember...and probably always will was the first year that I had moved to Victoria. I was living with my Dad and Step-mother and Ian (my brother...). Well, for those of you who don't know Ian...He loves to fish...well, at least he used to love to fish before he found hunting. Anyways, one of Dad's friends had a boat and Ian knew this and always wanted to be invited to go fishing with him. So one morning...April the first as it dad made the phone ring (I guess you used to be able to do this...not sure if you still can). It must have been about 7:30 in the the phone rang and Dad answered it. I was of course sitting eating my Wheaties (or pop-tarts probably) wondering what was going on. My Dad pretended to have a conversation with this friend who had the boat which went something like this

"Hello? Oh Hi John (Name has been changed). Well, I'm not sure, I'll ask him, but he did have some other plans, we were going to go for brunch (or something like that). Well he's still sleeping but I'll get him to call you when he gets up. Talk to you later"

Just as my dad was hanging up the phone Ian bursts out of his room all disheveled and half dressed saying "I'm up! I'm up"...Just as Ian was about to call John back Dad yells "April Fools!". Gosh it was so freaking funny that we still laugh about it now. You should have seen his face!

My Dad has always been silly like that. I'm glad the joke wasn't played on me...although I'm not a big fan of fishing...but you know what I mean...Any joke played on me would probably have put me in a bad mood for at least a week. Teenagers...What were we like!