Monday 28 September 2009

No More Running :(

So, went to the doctors today and he said no more running! Boo! My knee pain hasn't gone away and apparently it has something to do with my cartilage. So I need to rest it until the pain goes away and then I can start exercising again but only low impact stuff, bicycle and cross trainer stuff. So doesn't look like I'll be completing the 10k this year, I'm just hoping that the pain will be gone or at least bearable by Saturday as we're off to Portugal for a week.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Training hiccup!

So this morning was my second week, second session and well, it didn't go so well. I was supposed to run for 25 minutes...I ran for 10.5 minutes and had to stop and walk because my knee was killing me! I've never suffered from knee problems before and yesterday my knee was fine so I don't think I hurt it on Sunday when I ran...I'm guessing I twisted it yesterday some how as it was slightly sore when I got up this morning. So I pushed on and managed to run a total of 21:30 minutes but I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have as I'm in absolute agony now! So, tonight when I get home I'm going to ice it and rest it and wrap it and not run again till it's feeling better. I'm so frustrated as I'm sure I would have been able to run at least 15 minutes without stopping if not the whole 25 minutes if it weren't for my knee!

Sunday 20 September 2009

Week 1, Session 3 AND Week 2, Session 1

Ok, so I didn't post after my 3rd session for my first week but don't worry, it doesn't mean I didn't complete it! I did, yesterday (Saturday) and then ran again today making sure I left more than 24hrs between my runs.

Week 1, Session 3 - Walk 2 minutes, run 8 minutes.
Work was too busy to run on Thursday or Friday so I ran first thing on Saturday morning. Same thing happened as session 2. I managed the first 8 minutes just fine but stopped twice on the second set with tight calf and inner thigh muscles. In the end I completed the 8 minutes of running even though I had to stop and walk and stretch a couple of times.

Week 2, Session 1 - Walk 3 minutes, Run 10 minutes.
Ran with Sandra today. Wasn't sure how either of us would do, she's not much of a runner and I had only just run the day before and struggled with it. We ran along the old rail lines from Takeley to Hatfield forest. It was a nice change although the hills along the road up to the forest gate were killer. I manage to complete my training run without stopping although I stretched before I started to run, after my warm up walk and then in between the 2 10 minute running sessions which really seemed to help. It was great to have someone else to train with as well. Sandra has a bit of a faster pace than I do so she pushed me to work harder.

Tuesday is a 25 minute run, I think I'll really struggle with it but I'd like to run 15 minutes without stopping if I can. Only 4 weeks to go and I have a lot of work to do! Here's hoping I can keep up the training!

My first week of training has gone pretty well, if nothing else I've actually managed to to complete 3 training sessions! I only have 4 weeks left till the run, not a lot of time to train but hopefully 3 sessions a week till then will really, help!

Don't forget to sponsor me!

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Week 1, Session 2

OK, Got up at 7 and went for a run! That in itself is a huge feat for me! I was supposed to walk 3, run 10 minutes and do it twice. I did the first set just fine and then walked 3 minutes but when I started to run again for the second 10 minutes I found it very, very difficult. My hips had started to tighten up along with my calf muscles...I stopped twice in the first 4 minutes, stopping my stop watch as well though, and had to stretch a bit before continuing. But in the end I did manage to finish my ten minutes and even sprinted the last 30 seconds to try and improve my speed. I'm sure that was the hardest bit! But an hour later and I'm still purple faced. I'm not sure what they thought at nursery when I dropped Zachary off this morning! I look like a beetroot! I'm not sure what day I'm going to run again because Thursday or Friday would be best but I'm due in Slough to meet with customers. It won't do, turning up late with a beetroot face! I could always try running after work...I'll keep you posted!

Monday 14 September 2009


Ok, so if you were expecting a blog about our Canada trip...It probably won't know what I'm like! I may however blog about Zachary's Birthday on Saturday! But we'll see how this week plays out.

Running...I've started running again (started, once in nearly 2 years!). We've had a bit of a cancer scare with MIL so I was frustrated and feeling like I was useless and needed to do I'm running. I'm taking part in the Cancer Research 1oKm run. I took part 2 years ago but last year I only walked the 5km in June as I was pregnant. So I'm going to try and keep you updated with my progress! Pretend today's post was posted yesterday (on Sunday!)

5 weeks till the big day. I've not run for nearly two years. I'll be lucky if I complete the run in an hour and 30 minutes. I'd like to train 3 days a week but with work and a 1 year old...It should prove to be difficult. I must persevere though!

First Session of my running training. I found it difficult to run (er...Jog) after taking a break for nearly 2 years. I managed to complete my training for the day although the last 5 minutes of running I felt as though I was running on legs of lead! So heavy...although after I finished I figured I probably would have been able to complete another 5 minutes if I needed to. Tuesday's session will be a lot harder, Not to mention getting up and doing it before work! Yuck!

Now if you fancy sponsoring me for this fateful event please click on the following link and give me all your money!

More updates to follow!