So for those of you who don't know or have forgotten, we moved from England in October 7, 2010 back to Victoria, Canada. So, January 2011 sees me without a job and no prospects at that point but I do get to spend loads of time with my little man which was awesome! We tackled potty training on the 21st of January and went straight from diapers to no diapers with no night pants or anything. Best idea ever! Zachary was pretty much accident free after a day and a half. We followed the potty training in one day method. We didn't buy the kit, I just found out the method online and did my own thing!
After three nights he started having dry nights and now only has the occasional accident at night and usually when he's not feeling well. Yay!
February we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary and left Zachary with a babysitter, the first time EVER! It all went well of course as my little man is a gem! I finally landed a job at the end of February with Fujitsu Consulting. I started in as an Assistant Project Manager and by this point I was willing to take anything. I found the job ok but not very challenging but better to have a job than no job at all!
In March we decided to go and visit our mortgage broker to see if we could get a mortgage or if we had to wait. Because I was working for a sister company they classified it as a transfer and didn't need wait the 6 months as we expected. So we started house hunting right away. It all happened so fast but we found a house we liked and took posession on the 9th of April, 1 week before we were due to go to England.
April was a very busy month with buying a house, and going to England. With the house we had to get the back yard landscaped because a new septic system had been put in and it was all uneven and new grass had to be planted.

We moved into our new (and first) home 3 days after we arrived back from England. I was at work and Zachary was at Daycare (which he started when he was 2.5 years old in March) so it was just Richard and the movers. This was good though. Everything was pretty much packed up and he didn't have us in the way. Everything seemd to go smoothly except for noticing the damp patch in our ceiling the first night we were there.

In July we decided we could no longer manage with just one vehicle as Richard's work was taking him over to the mainland more and more often. Where we live it isn't possible to catch a (three) bus(s) and still catch the first ferry. So we bought a brand new Toyota Rav4. We love our new car and it holds six of us perfectly. My sister lives in Nanaimo and doesn't drive so it is very handy for that. Otherwise Moose gets transported about in the back.

August I don't remember much of other than going camping with Lynda and the boys and then starting a new project. I am no longer an Assistant Project Manager, I am now an Applications Analyst...basically, I work on a Service (Help) Desk. It's pretty dull but I love the people I work with and it is a fairly secure roll (and I didn't have to take a pay cut!).

I was quite ill the end of September with the flu and then numerous head colds. I was off work for 3 weeks in total. I finally kicked the germs out of my body the end of November as I was fed up!
Rosa lost her battle with Cancer on November 2, 2011. She was a fantastic person and my life will always be richer for knowing her. She was my friend and mother-in-law and a fantastic Gran to Zachary. She is missed by everyone who knew her.
We went to England for the Funeral. Richard and Zachary went on the 2nd but didn't quite make it in time. Rosa was told "Your boy is coming home, and he's bringing his Dad". She died later that night. I flew back on the 6th and we came home as a family on the 17th. It was a very hard trip but we knew it was coming. I just pray that she is now at peace.
December saw my 35th birthday (ouch!) which we celebrated with Michelle and Oliver and of course Christmas. Zachary was thouroughly spoiled and he still has more to open (Nanny and Papa's presents arrived yesterday!).
The past year drained Richard and I emotionally, physically and of course financially. We are ready to put the year behind us and start this one calmly and in a nice routine.