Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Another First...

Well, it doesn't seem like I'm experiencing many "firsts" recently...When I moved to England 4 years ago I had a lot of firsts...like my first car, my first "snog", my first car accident with a cement pillar...among others which I just can't remember. Most of my firsts were regarding animals...as they have different ones here there were a lot that I'd never seen before...My first Badger, my first Pheasant, my first fox...unfortunately all of those were dead along the road side...I say unfortunately but apparently they can be a bit of a pain...

On Saturday I was cleaning the bedroom and looked out the window and in our neighbours yard was a fox (not dead!). I was stunned! as we do live in a built up area and it was just laying there as calm as can be! We took a picture as it was a first for me!

BTW...the long grass and dandelions are not ours...remember this is our neighbours yard...we live on the other side of the painted fence with the lovely manicured lawn...not that you can see it!


Anonymous said...

You should have a caption competition. I'm going for FOX: 'Wow my first Canadian, wish I had my camera'

Anonymous said...

What a lovely greeting, he looks ready to jump in your lap ;-)
Great picture.