Monday, 2 April 2007

April Fools...(a day late!)

So yesterday morning i was sitting here minding my own business, not even knowing what day it is as I haven't left the house in a week and a half, and Smiley comes up to me attempting to be all serious like and says "Did you see? there was a huge fire in Jasper...the whole town has burnt to the ground". Of course I just looked at him and said "what?". It wasn't that I believed him, or disbelieved him...I think I'm still in such a daze that everything needs to be repeated to me twice before I actually "hear" what has been said. So before I had even processed it...he yells "April Fools! Ha ha! Got you!" Although I'm not sure he could consider that as "getting me" I hadn't even processed what he had said. So I don't think it counts.

For those of you who don't understand why I would be concerned about Jasper burning to the ground other than the fact that it is an amazing and beautiful place. Richard (Smiley) and I are getting married there next February and it would through a spanner into the works if it indeed had burnt to the ground.

I'm not a big fan of April fools...mainly because I just don't care. I'm not clever enough to be able to pull the wool over someones eyes...or because I'm the most gullible person on the planet! But all the jokes that seem to be played on me have all be overly pathetic...Don't get me wrong...this is not a challenge to see if you can get me next year...Grrrr!

The one April fools that I do remember...and probably always will was the first year that I had moved to Victoria. I was living with my Dad and Step-mother and Ian (my brother...). Well, for those of you who don't know Ian...He loves to fish...well, at least he used to love to fish before he found hunting. Anyways, one of Dad's friends had a boat and Ian knew this and always wanted to be invited to go fishing with him. So one morning...April the first as it dad made the phone ring (I guess you used to be able to do this...not sure if you still can). It must have been about 7:30 in the the phone rang and Dad answered it. I was of course sitting eating my Wheaties (or pop-tarts probably) wondering what was going on. My Dad pretended to have a conversation with this friend who had the boat which went something like this

"Hello? Oh Hi John (Name has been changed). Well, I'm not sure, I'll ask him, but he did have some other plans, we were going to go for brunch (or something like that). Well he's still sleeping but I'll get him to call you when he gets up. Talk to you later"

Just as my dad was hanging up the phone Ian bursts out of his room all disheveled and half dressed saying "I'm up! I'm up"...Just as Ian was about to call John back Dad yells "April Fools!". Gosh it was so freaking funny that we still laugh about it now. You should have seen his face!

My Dad has always been silly like that. I'm glad the joke wasn't played on me...although I'm not a big fan of fishing...but you know what I mean...Any joke played on me would probably have put me in a bad mood for at least a week. Teenagers...What were we like!

1 comment:

Evey said...

I am not a fan of april fools eiother. However, noone has ever really pulled on off on me so I guess i dont really care. lol