I am partaking in a Blog Off through out the month of July. This is in aid of raising funds for Breast Cancer. Courtney who is a friend of a friend of a friend...(confused yet?) is doing the 3 day walk for Breast Cancer in Seattle (I think...). The idea is that a large number of people (at least 20 of us this time) are given a random word on a Tuesday and we need to get our creative juices flowing and post on that word by midnight on the following Thursday. This is just a short one. 4 weeks, no eliminations unless you fail to get your post up in time. Everyone votes for their top favorite three and the one with the most votes at the end of the 4 weeks wins the pot (which is half of our entry fee's as the other half goes towards Courtney's fund raising).
Very cool! I read a lot of the posts (more and more towards the end) of the last blog off that Yvonne partook in and I loved it. It was very cool to see how different people think about just one word. Some of the words were Golden, Kiss, Regrets and even Shampoo! Stay posted and I will have links to all the other bloggers on my link bar on the right hand side so feel free to visit them and read what they have to say.
If you are feeling very generous please donate this weeks beer money to this great cause by clicking on the banner below!

Ia m so excited that you're in! I can't wait to read your posts. This is going to be a lot of fun. I promise!
To tell you the truth I'm a little nervous! Carly, you always have so much to say and my life is so dull that I struggle to find anything to post from week to week. I'm hoping this will get those creative juices flowing!
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