Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Horrible experiences

Today I had a horrible was not the nurse peering into my ear after my complaint of a terrible ear ache, nor was it the nurse that took my blood today and bruised me was later on in the day.

When we got home from visiting the vampires in Cambridge (I needed to have a 28 week blood test done) I noticed a baby bird just outside our path. I've seen a number of baby birds before, probably about 5 already this year. The difference was, this one was still alive...barely.

Smiley got me inside and we discussed what to do. I was in tears as I felt so bad for this struggling little life. I knew that even if I managed to keep the poor thing warm enough there was no way it would survive as I couldn't feed it. (I wasn't about to regurgitate my food for it was I!)

So I decided that I would do the only humane thing. I would drown the poor thing and put it out of its misery. It made me very sad as it was so tiny and helpless but I knew deep down this was the right thing to.

Its little life ended quite quickly and for that I'm grateful. I'm also very glad for my decision as I saved the neighbourhood children the experience of seeing this baby bird struggling for life. As I look out the window to the street right now I can see four children outside riding their bikes and kicking a football about, right where the bird lay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is probably the most humane (and least enjoyable) course of action. A few years back a cat I was caring for disabled but didn't kill a baby sparrow. No blood, no visible injuries, so I left it for awhile to see if it could or would fly away. It didn't. I had to put it in a bag and crush it (I figured that was the quickest way). I feel bad that I did it, but better than letting it sit there terrified until something else came along to eat it.