Wednesday, 2 May 2007


Well, I managed to get out of bed at 6:05 this morning, put my jogging clothes, went downstairs and made my lunch, got my breakfast ready and put on my jacket...It was so nice at 6:30 this morning...Such a gorgeous day! I did my 2 sessions of running 10 minutes and walking 3...although I was a bit slower today and didn't get quite as far...but that's ok...All that matters is I didn't give in! Yay!

I was very tired on the way to work this morning and the traffic was terrible. I got to work and Mr. Anonymous was regretting the fact that he suggested I came in today as I'm sure I drove him mad!

That is the thing with working from's great as you can get up at 8:30 and spend all day working in your jim jams...but the problem is that I don't see anyone else (other than Smiley of course) so when I do see real people and not just contacts on my msn list or emails or phone calls...I just say whatever comes to mind and it usually ends up being such crap!

I we were talking about Eggs! Eggs! For crying out loud! I won't go into the details as it is quite disgusting and I can't believe we had such a discussion...but it always happens...I go into work about once a week and when I do I end up just saying everything that comes to mind! This is the biggest problem with working from home...when I do see people they have to endure my complete and random thoughts!

(BTW...The whole Egg conversation wasn't started by me...but I did have to input my 2 cents worth!)

I'm back to Bracknell again tomorrow after a conference call (don't worry I will be on mute!). I'm hoping that I got my people fix today and tomorrow my verbal diarrhea won't make another appearance!


Evey said...

Good job on the running. It doesnt matter you were slower or didnt go as far as before, all that matters is you got up to do it. Thats awesome.

And yes, I think it is a VERY good thing they will have you on mute. lol

Anonymous said...

And we were all glad that you came into work and corrected us with your superior knowledge of eggs. just a pity there were no questions about eggs in the quiz. btw where is Mount Logan???? :-)

Sketti said...

Yeah...Mount Logan would be in Canada...I said it might be Canada...but I don't know what the highest mountain in Canada is do I?!?!?!?!

Sketti said...

Oh...and there was a question about eggs...remember...what has more calories, a medium egg, 1/2 a grapefruit or a tablespoon of flora? Well, I was right, it was the egg! Yay me!