Breasts, or Boobs as I will kindly refer to them for the remainder of the post have a number of functions. These can range from breast feeding a child, a play thing for men, something to fill a bra or even something to help you put on lipstick (The Breakfast Club). They can get in the way as well…fortunately for me I have just enough that I can show them off but not too much that I can strap them down so they don’t slap me in the face when I run.
Boobs, they can give life (or something essential for life) and they can take life.
I don’t have any children, yet. But like to think that when I do, I will breastfeed them. I know that it has been proven that this is the healthiest start for a baby. Mother Natures Nectar. With all our technology available to us we still haven’t created anything as healthy for a baby as mothers milk.
“The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that an infant be breastfed without supplemental foods or liquids for the first 6 months of age” – taken from this site
Over the years there has been increased proof to show that breast feeding is beneficial for both mother and Child.
Babies who are not breastfed are at greater risk for a number of health issues including ear infections, allergic disease and respiratory infections. Also breast fed babies tend to be smarter (I was breast fed…can’t you tell!). Have a look at more benefits of breastfeeding here
We all know that breastfeeding is good for the baby…but what about the mother. Apparently it helps you lose your baby weight after giving birth but did you know it also lowers your risk of hip fractures and bone density not to mention Ovarian and BREAST CANCER.
Heck…who cares if my breasts sag (sorry Smiley)…with those kind of benefits for both me and my future children…I’d be mad not to. (I do know that there are some reasons why some women can’t breast feed and I’m not getting at those people…but not breastfeeding for fear of saggy boobs…heck! That’s what a Wonder Bra is for!)
Unfortunately Boobs can take life as well. And no I’m not referring to the fembot in Austin Powers that has guns for nipples (although that is very amusing and how cool would that be!)
The whole point of this blog-off is to raise money for a cure to Breast Cancer. Courtney lost her mum to the disease and so did Evey . There are others I’m sure and I’m sorry that I didn’t mention you (Eternity, your sis told me about your Aunt…I hope it all works out for the best!)
In the UK in 2005, Breast Cancer was the cause of 17% of all deaths caused by cancer. This is a lot of people, 12,417 to be exact.
Remember, Breast Cancer is not just for women, Men can get it as well (although it is rare).
Please remember to test yourself for breast cancer regularly. The earlier it is caught, the more chance we have of beating it. I’m horrible and next to never self test…if you don’t know how…here are some instructions
This was a post for the Blog Off for Breast Cancer V2.0. Please take some time to view some of the other blogs participating, all the links are on the right hand panel. Also, if you'd like this week's beer money to go to a worthier cause please click on the banner below to make a contribution to Courtney and her three day walk!

That's right- we're in it for the boobage. Great post and a great reminder for everybody why we're doing this!
It wasn't until my post was long written and published that I even thought of breastfeeding. As someone who has been a doula for 10 years now, I was shocked. There was a time when that would have been my very first thought. I wondered what happened, but then it came to me. I turned 30 and found out it's true what they say about a woman in her peak. Hence, the antics I ended up posting about.
Well done! It's about time one of us posted instructions on self exams!
When I was looking for a video to go with my post, I came across a few self exam ones on YouTube. Is it totally wrong of me to have been just slightly aroused by it, or is that just a guy thing that can't be helped?
My wife had an incredibly hard time breastfeeding our daughter, but she was able to go for about 6 months and still feels guilty about not being able to go longer or better. I always tell her she should be proud that she was able to do as much as she could. Some women can't breastfeed at all, and some can but choose not to.
In response to Jason, I think it just means you're, um, a guy and that your manly bits are in working order. Don't worry about it! :-)
Breastfeeding was my topic, too... I fully intend to give it my best shot with any future children I might have. I say best shot because most of them, if not all, will be adopted.
With a child incoming in November, my wife and I have talked a lot about breastfeeding. She is going to give it a shot and see how it goes, probably give it at least 2 weeks to see how she and the baby tolerates it.
I'm of the opinion that breastfeeding is great if you can manage. However, I do not believe that women should beat themselves up if they are unable to breastfeed due any number of reasons -- whether physically unable, doesn't work with their work schedule, sleep schedule, etc.
The LLL nazis get a bit high strung about, "YOU MUST BREASTFEED! ARGH!" when the emphasis should be, "Breastfeeding is a really good idea if you can do it, mmkay?"
I wasn't breastfed at all -- I wouldn't take it. (my wife is amazed at the fact given my preferences now) My sister was breastfed till she turned 2. We're both fine people.
I'd say if you can swing it, groovy. But if you can't, don't feel like a failure, because you're not.
I never intended to say that everyone should breastfeed and if you don't for whatever reason you are a bad person...Never! I was trying to be factful (is that a word?) but don't like it when I hear that women wont even try as they don't want saggy boobs...grrrr! how selfish. I know some women can't because of a number of different reasons...I just wanted to get the point across that it is the best option for a baby. :)
Once again a great write... I must say you benefited very well from being breast fed and I enjoyed every moment of that time with just you and me as I quietly cuddled you as you nursed... Mum
I actually contemplated the whole breastfeeding thing, breast-fed babies being deemed more intelligent than non-breast fed babies. But having never breastfed anyone myself I couldn't really wrap my brain around posting about that. But it is a fascinating subject and I am glad you posted about it. Also, it is important for all of us to remember what we are all doing this for. The ability to one day stop breast cancer, to keep those boobies in tip-top shape forever!
I think breastfeeding is something that is great for the bond between mom and baby. To each their own. I defdinitly plan on breast feeding. Great post!
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