We’re all survivors and we all know survivors. We’re a mixed breed really. I kept thinking about this word and wondering how I was going to approach it. I thought about my mum and my future mother in law who have both battled cancer and have come out on top. I thought about random people who have over come their disabilities and situations to become better people. I’ve thought about those who have survived of "Acts of God", ie, Volcano's, Avalanches, earthquakes, floods, etc. and even thought about the TV show "Survivor" and wondered if scheming and backstabbing is what makes a person a "Survivor". All this thinking and I’m still not finding what this word really means to me. After a while I started to wonder what the difference between a survivor and a victim was. To me…a survivor is someone who has battled something and come out stronger…a victim is the same person who battles the same thing but comes out weaker. Obviously this is in reference to spirit and mind, not body. (and not a dictionary definition either, just how I happen to feel about the words)
For those of you who have been watching the news may have heard that the UK is having a rough week. On the selfish and shallow side of things my biggest problem is that we’ve not had any sun for ages…I’m pretty sure it has rained every day for the past 3 or 4 weeks. But this is me being selfish and if I was living in a bubble this is what would concern me the most. However…I don’t live in a bubble, so last week I was watching the news and seeing images of flooded streets and homes and rivers and reservoirs bursting their banks. For those of you who don’t live in the UK may think that this is normal for us. You know…it always rains in England…right? Unfortunately not, that is the case through out the winter but in the summer we are usually suffering from the heat and hose pipe bans as water is scarce.
An Aerial View of the village of Catcliff near Sheffield which was under water after two days of heavy rain.
If you would like to see other images of our week of flooding Please go to the BBC website.
In other news…it seems as though the terrorists have hit again…or at least attempted to. There have been a number of incidents since last Friday.
On the 29th there was an "incident" in London involving a car bomb planted in London which if exploded would have caused serious damage as the car was packed with 60 litres of Petrol, gas cylinders and nails. This was close to the infamous Piccadilly Circus.
On the 30th there was a "blazing car" that crashed into the main terminal at Glasgow Airport was loaded with Gas Cylinders.
On the 3rd there were Security alerts and controlled explosions at Heathrow Airport, Glasgow and Hammersmith in London.
Obviously there are many more details which can be found on the BBC website.
I would love to have a "boring" life…no floods, no terrorist attacks…I would like to say that none of the events over the past 2 weeks have affected me, but it’s obvious that they have as I’m writing about them now.I refuse to be a victim. I refuse to be scared. What is the point? Isn’t fear the true weapon of a terrorist? I don’t go into London very often as it’s quite expensive and there is lots to do around here but I remember seeing a t-shirt after the July 7th bombings which stated that London is not afraid.
I love this t-shirt and yes…many, many people are afraid. Even though none of these incidents have directly affected me as I wasn't there I am still affected indirectly by media and just life in general.
I keep thinking about the difference between a Survivor and a Victim. Here is what the Dictionary says about Survivor:
sur·vi·vor –noun
a person who continues to function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks.
This is who I want to be. I am a survivor.
We should all aim to be survivors regardless what life throws at us.
Well done Evette, that was insightful, and spoke volumes. Way to go girl!!!
love Mum
Great piece.
We think of that here in Canada too.
Today 6 Canadian soldiers were killed in Afghanistan. And I am here trying to plan a trip to the army base to see my Husband who is there for a month on course.
Your way of thinking is like mine. I figure if I dont feel like a survivor and not afraid then I will find a new normal!
Thanks for stopping by
Cheers to you in the Blog Off!
Nice post and i like that t-shirt too. it seems our Survivor posts echo each others in the end. I do believe we are all survivors, just at different levels and we should all aim to be survivors no matter what happens, indeed. Best.
Well said my friend. That t shirt is awesome. And you are so right, Fear IS the true weapon of a terrorist. The minute we all live our lives because of what they may or may not do is the day they win.
I am so glad you decided to do the blog off.
I really like that idea- that a victim is someone who doesn't take their experience and grow because of it while a survivor does. That's given me something to think about. Nicely done!
You know what I'm loving most about this blog off? Getting all the different views from all corners of the globe. I love it. And thanks for the visit and comment on my blog. Good luck to you!
I love that shirt. It's fantastic.
I think there is a certain degree of fatalism involved, but I feel the same way as you do. I just can't abide being afraid. With so many things to fear in this wide world, you'd spend your days locked in the closet if you backed down all the time. Better to get out there and live, I say!
Wow...that picture could be Oklahoma or Texas this week, too...amazing this week has been a challenge for so many.
I love the T-shirt, too. Terrorists suck and being afraid is just what they want.
Awesome post.
Great post!
The idea that any vistim can turn out to be a survivor is so true. It is all a matter of perspective and outlook and choice. I remember talking to someone after I had been violated in the worst way possible and having that person tell me they sympathized because I was a victim. I told her I would never be a victim because that would give too much power to the person who put me in that situation. I was making the choice to survive and help others in my situation do the same.
The fear thing has always intrigued me. While your sentiment (I refuse to be scared. What is the point?) is certainly noble and I applaud that attitude, how does one keep from being afraid in such a situation? Humans are very prone to panic and fear at the unknown, loss of control, or other people around them panicking. To keep one's cool in the face of all this -- difficult, I'd imagine.
So, while I think you're absolutely right -- no need to be afraid -- how does one overcome their innate reactions to crisis such that they keep their cool?
Always something that's made me think....an excellent post, thank you. -- Nathan (PhilosYphia)
I guess that I've been so busy with work that I didn't even see the news about the floods in the UK. What a mess! I did hear about the terrorist attempts and I agree that we should all aim to be survivors and I think that the definition just reminds readers of the strength and purpose behind the word.
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