So considering that baby thoughts pretty much consume all my time...I was a bit strapped for something to write about...but my darling hubby has sorted that out for me! He's a star!
If you've been keeping up...we've recently moved. Now we've always had a bit of an issue with Moose (our Dog) digging a bit in the garden...usually he digs a bit and eats whatever he has found (possibly cat or fox poo!) But he's never dug a big hole...until we've moved here.
At the back of the garden is a flower bed with some bamboo growing in it. The Soil is lovely and soft, not like the rest of the garden...and he's taken to digging a great big hole in the soft soil! I don't really care but he does make a mess and every time we cover it over he just goes and digs at it again. I would like to plant some flowers there at some point but I don't want to waste my time if he's just going to dig them up before they've grown.
So Smiley looked up "How to stop your dog digging" and in Yahoo Answers the resolution was "Take away his spade!".

This of course does not solve our problem as Moose doesn't use a shovel! But I had a good laugh when Smiley told me the resolution he had found...Some people are so funny!
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