Sunday, 31 August 2008

Today is Labour Day...well, not for me!

Well, Today is my due's currently 3 in the I guess he still has plenty of time to arrive...but I don't think it's going to happen. So is tomorrow -1 days? I'm ready for him to arrive...more than ready!

The past month has gone by soooooo quickly! I thought it would drag by and take forever...and now that my due date is here I feel a bit let down...I still don't have a baby in my arms! I do feel like I've been pregnant forever and I'm more than ready to go through my 'day of pain' so I can have a lifetime of heartache!

I'm hoping he'll arrive before the week is out and definitely before being over due 10-12 days...I'm not overly interested in being induced...I'd rather things happen naturally!

Well that's it...just me moaning about not being in labour on labour day! But I did figure I should document this day!

1 comment:

Julia said...

I'm wishing you and Smiley the very best as you prepare to welcome your son into your little family! So excited for you!
Hugs, and support,