Monday, 15 December 2008
Mad Libs

Monday, 1 December 2008
Some people should REALLY mind thier own business!
Our little man hasn't been very well recently with a terrible cold. Smiley and I are planning on moving back to Canada in July of 2010 and I'm exclusively breastfeeding.
Now...for my rant.
Yesterday Smiley and I headed into London to catch Expo-Canada to fill in some blanks on moving back home as Smiley and Zachary are both British. We needed to take an hour long tube ride and change twice to get there. I tried feeding Zachary before we left but he didn't want much...heck...if you're not hungry, you're not hungry.
As expected Zachary fell straight to sleep the moment the train (tube) started moving and he stayed that way all the way till our last change over. We had one stop to go and we were waiting for the tube on a crowded platform. Zachary woke up and realized he was hungry so started screaming. The tube stop we were waiting at was above ground and yesterday it was quite chilly out and knowing our tube would be arriving any minute I rocked the buggy and 'Shhhhhh', 'Shhhhh'. I figured he could wait just a little bit longer till we got to our destination.
This shabby lady...closely resembling a bag lady came over and asked if he was hungry...I replied that he probably was but we were just one stop away from our destination and he could wait. She proceeded to tell me that when adults get hungry we get a small grumble but when babies get hungry they get severe cramps and should be fed immediately. I told her I wasn't about to get my boob out there (not because I'm shy but because it was cold) and he would be fine to wait a couple of minutes. She went away...
Two minutes later she came back and 'informed' me that I needed to feed my baby right now and that I shouldn't care what people think and my baby's comfort was much more important. I told her to go away and mind her own business and how dare she tell me how to raise my own child and what did she know...at one point I even grabbed her arm to push her away from us. I was furious and told her to get away from me and stormed off.
I ran into a couple of people with the push chair because I was so mad (I apologised) and Zachary was asleep by the time I got far enough away from the crazy lady.
It just makes me mad that some people feel that they have the right to butt into our business no matter what it may be. Ok...I know Pot, Kettle...Black...as I do like to 'help' people and probably stick my nose in where it doesn't belong but never with strangers.
Whatever happened to 'Mother knows best'? Ok...sometimes we do need help but I know my baby and knew he would be fine for 10 minutes or so. Turns out he stayed asleep till we got to the venue and I actually had to wake him up to feed him.
I just wish that I hadn't let the homeless bag lady upset me so much!
Friday, 21 November 2008
10 Weeks later
Zachary Dallas arrived at 9:20pm on 12 September weighing 7lbs 7oz. It was all a bit traumatic but we're both healthy and happy. You can read the birth story here.
But now we're 10 weeks on. Zachary is beautiful happy baby. He's now 12lbs 2oz, smiling all the time and has started dribbling...I'm sure his first teeth will be along shortly!
I always knew my life would change but I never realized how difficult the first couple of weeks would be. Between the hormones and recovering from major surgery plus learning how to take care of a newborn baby I was a wreck. I'm so thankful to my husband for all his support. I'm not sure I would have managed without him and I have so much respect for single mothers now.
We're headed home for Christmas. Mum gets us for Christmas and then Dad's for 2 weeks in the new year. I can't wait to introduce our little Doo-Dah to everyone!
I never knew I could love anyone so much!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008
8 Days overdue
So the things they don't tell you about pregnancy...it's bloody hard work! I'm not going to get into the details as you don't want to hear about it. But I ache EVERYWHERE...and I mean it! I've also had an extra 8 days to think about labour...and actually, that's all I've thought about for the past 8 days. The more I think about it...the more scared I get. I know it's silly thousands of woman do it every day...and women with less pain tolerance than me (there can't be too many out there though as I'm a total wuss!)
Smiley has been a total star...he's comforted me when I've been in tears for whatever reason and been so very patient with me when I'm being completely irrational and I love him so much for that!
I've got to the point where I'm sick of people offering their suggestions to help things move along...yes people...I know they say sex will help...but seriously! Also...saying that it'll happen in the babies time also doesn't help...don't you all understand...I'm tired and I'm uncomfortable and I want my body back!
Also...what is with everyone wanting to know when I go into labour...can't they just be happy that they'll get a text or a call letting them know when our bundle of joy arrives? There are a couple of exceptions to the rules (people who make me laugh are excused) but no one (other than the dog sitter) will get a call or text when I go into labour!
I just want this baby out...I want to deal with the sleepless nights and the black tar poo and the disgusting belly button thingy...not to mention struggling with breast feeding. I want all that...i am no longer enjoying the 'belly time'. I just want my little man to arrive so I can love him and corrupt him in my own special way!
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Today is Labour Day...well, not for me!
The past month has gone by soooooo quickly! I thought it would drag by and take forever...and now that my due date is here I feel a bit let down...I still don't have a baby in my arms! I do feel like I've been pregnant forever and I'm more than ready to go through my 'day of pain' so I can have a lifetime of heartache!
I'm hoping he'll arrive before the week is out and definitely before being over due 10-12 days...I'm not overly interested in being induced...I'd rather things happen naturally!
Well that's it...just me moaning about not being in labour on labour day! But I did figure I should document this day!
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Dog Days of Summer

Friday, 15 August 2008
17 days to go...

Friday, 11 July 2008
New Home
So we're moving...again. I hate moving. In the past 9 years I've lived in 11 different places. We were hoping to stay where we were till we moved to Canada...but alas...this cannot be as our landlords want to move back in...Fair enough...it is their house after all!
We've decided to move before the baby is born (assuming he doesn't decide to arrive early!) and since we have a dog (our faithful companion Moose) we were limited with places that we could rent. Fortunately we've found a place which is slightly bigger than where we are now but for less money. Slightly bigger doesn't include the loft conversion we currently have...but we never use it really other than the occasional guest and a load of exercise equipment we never use!
The 3 Bedroom House is outside of our beloved Bishop's Stortford in Takeley so that will take some adjustment time...but I'm sure we'll survive! There is a Post Office and a Chippy within walking distance...what else do you need!
Here are some pictures...which we've not taken...I nicked them off the rental site!

The Kitchen. All white goods are included which is great, Cooker, washing machine, Fridge/Freezer and a dishwasher it appears! I'm noticing not a lot of cupboard space but I recall there being quite a bit to the left of the picture including a Pantry like cupboard. I'm not so sure about the frilly valance over the window...but what can you do!
The Back Garden. There is a patio area right outside the Conservatory door and then a small grass area and hardly any flower beds which contain shrubs! Yay! I hate gardening! There is a Shed at the end of the garden at the left hand side and a built in bbq on the corner of the right hand side. I'm sure Smiley will try to get it working! Outside the gate is the Garage and our driveway...So all in all, not a bad spot!
I'm not too keen on the avocado bathroom but who cares what colour it is...as long as it's clean (which it isn't...yet!) The Baby's room will be the smallest room and the other two will be our bedroom and the 'office'
But don't worry if you're hoping to stay with us when you come and visit...we have a double air mattress (a deluxe one!) that we can fit in the lounge or the office or somewhere!
This is going to be our home for the next year and a half (at least!) I just hope we enjoy it!
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Welcome to the world Baby Murdoch!
Chris and Claire's baby means that I'm on the homeward stretch! Only 10 weeks and 1 day to go!
Congratulations Chris and Claire!
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Happy Birthday Moose!
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Horrible experiences
When we got home from visiting the vampires in Cambridge (I needed to have a 28 week blood test done) I noticed a baby bird just outside our path. I've seen a number of baby birds before, probably about 5 already this year. The difference was, this one was still alive...barely.
Smiley got me inside and we discussed what to do. I was in tears as I felt so bad for this struggling little life. I knew that even if I managed to keep the poor thing warm enough there was no way it would survive as I couldn't feed it. (I wasn't about to regurgitate my food for it was I!)
So I decided that I would do the only humane thing. I would drown the poor thing and put it out of its misery. It made me very sad as it was so tiny and helpless but I knew deep down this was the right thing to.
Its little life ended quite quickly and for that I'm grateful. I'm also very glad for my decision as I saved the neighbourhood children the experience of seeing this baby bird struggling for life. As I look out the window to the street right now I can see four children outside riding their bikes and kicking a football about, right where the bird lay.
Monday, 9 June 2008
Race for Life 5K - Cancer Research

Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Things are good! I'm now 27 weeks and 1 day pregnant...and sort of enjoying it. I've come to grips with work and feel very settled again as I had a bit of an 'episode' in April where i needed some time off work. I'm hoping that was just pregnancy hormones! In general I just feel quite contented...which is ALWAYS a good thing!
On the long weekend Smiley and I (mainly Smiley) moved my office into his office. Now we have to share. We've done it before and it's been ok but I get distracted easily and in turn distract him...but I've only got another 54 days of work left so he won't have to put up with me too much longer! We've still got loads to sort out for the baby but we're getting there eventually.
We've decided to get a travel cot rather than a full size cot. We have very good reasons for this. The first is price...a new travel cot (the top of the range one that I want) is £100, we of course can get it cheaper off ebay! The second is the fact that we're looking at going home at Christmas and we'll take it with us so the little guy has a decent place to sleep...and he'll be used to it. The third is the fact that we're planning on moving home in 2 years and we'll bring it with us and hopefully keep it for any future children we have!
Friends of ours who have a 3 yr old have given us loads of stuff...only, they have a girl...and we're having a boy so I gave all the remotely girly stuff to our neighbours who are having a girl...13 days after me! They've been a great help and have saved us loads of money
It's all getting very exciting now as I have less than 3 months to go. There are about 7 of us all in a row expecting babies. The first one, Smiley's Best Mate and his partner, is due on the 15th of June...Claire is so excited and just wants the baby to arrive already. I think she's getting a bit fed up with it all! After that another 2 are due to arrive and then it'll be my turn. This is not counting my cousin, who I don't know or Danni back in Canada.
This weekend I'm taking part in the Race for Life yet again. I've got back to completing the 5K although I had upgraded myself to the 10k last year. The 10K falls in October and I really don't feel I'll be up to completing a 10K run a mere 6 weeks after I give birth (I'm not a woman of steel you know!). So I'm doing the 5K and I'm not running...I'll be 27 weeks and 6 days pregnant so just walking Moose these days is a bit of a challenge for me. I'm fortunate though to have my friend Laura taking part with me so I'll have company and she'll make sure I don't overheat or get a bad cramp or anything while on my own.
If you would like to sponsor me please feel free! Every little bit helps and I would love to bring up my children in a world where Cancer can be cured!
Well that's about it for now...I'll post more soon!
Friday, 2 May 2008
I woke up around 4 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep...who knows...perhaps the baby was kicking and keeping me awake, maybe it was one of the lovely side effects to the iron pills I'm taking or perhaps it was because Smiley was next to me snoring away and Moose was in the hall, snoring away...whatever the reason...I tossed and turned for an hour before getting up.
Fortunately my good friend Yvonne was online as she couldn't sleep either and we kept each other amused for a while. Once I got Smiley up (as he had to go to work in London today) I fell asleep right away. I woke up a couple of times between 7 and 8 like when the yappy dog two doors down wouldn't shut up, or when the bin men came, or when Smiley came in to give me a kiss goodbye. The last item I'll put up with as I won't see him till late tonight.
I fall asleep no problem after those couple of things but wake up again around 9:30 when the recycle truck came. All that clanging of tins and banging of glasses...grrrr! So now I'm half awake and I can't get back to sleep easily because I'm thinking I really should call the doctors and I really should get up and walk Moose (don't worry, he's not walking around with his legs crossed, Smiley has let him out into the back garden and has left the door open for him) and to top it all off I've got this horrific song that used to drive me insane about 10 years ago when I worked at Fairways. It was by Rod Steward (or he covered it...whatever!) Ooh La La, and the line that keeps running through my head is "I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger". Seriously where has THAT come from?
So I'm thinking that I could deal with all that and fall back to sleep as I'm every so tired (I must take good care of this baby!) and then somewhere perhaps on the next street someone is using some sort of loud gardening implement...like a really loud mower...or something who knows I can't see it...all I know...is I had to get up.
So now I've called the doctors and had my rant...I guess I should get dressed and walk Moose!
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
It's been a VERY long time!
My 31st birthday came and went and my fab fiance took me to Rome for the weekend. I didn't find out till we were on our way to the airport. It was great!
Christmas Day arrived and Smiley and I found out that I was pregnant! What a great Christmas present! This is our first baby and we're both very excited
February 16th was such a perfect day for us as it was our wedding day...I couldn't imagine a better day!
Now...I'm 22 weeks pregnant and am looking so forward to finishing work in 4 months and meeting my baby boy! That's right, we're having a boy!
I will try and update my blog much more often than I have been although I'm sure I've lost all interest and no one will be visiting again without prompt!