Monday, 5 November 2007
I've been tagged...
Now that I think about it...I'm sure Yvonne tagged me a while back...Oh I'm so crap at this!
So watch this space...7 truths to come (although my life is an open book pretty much and most people know most things...but I'll do my best!)
Monday, 22 October 2007
I did it! (and I didn't die!)
My 10K run took place on Sunday (as in yesterday) and I managed to complete the whole thing. I know, I great feat! However, the past 3 or so runs I've had severe cramping in my left calf muscle and in my thought, I'm out of shape, overweight (barely!) and in desperate need of some new runners! I had this fear of getting to 3K and not being able to continue.
Lucky for me...I swallowed the pain and continued. The pain in my left leg and foot ceased at about about 8K I could feel a blister starting to form on the arch of my foot! So unfair!
I did not run the whole course...but I did run at least half if not more. I completed the 10K in 81(ish) minutes. By the time I started the clock said 2:23 and I finished somewhere around 1:23:?? to me that is 81 minutes. Ok...I know it's not great...but the amount of training I did...heck it's fantastic!
Thank you to all who Sponsored me as this was a Cancer Research run and I ran in memory of Barb Lewis. For those of you who don't know Barb, she was the most amazing woman I ever met. She died after her battle with Cancer on 17 September.
If you still fancy Sponsoring me you can at my special "SKETTI'S 10K RUN SPONSOR FORM!". Don't worry it's all legit and safe!
(Now...back to work!)
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Ok, ok, ok!
All is well in Sketti land. The wedding is in 4 months now and I think we've sent out the invites...if you feel like we should have invited you and haven't...let us know!
Our Non-existant summer has turned to Autumn and I'm very sad again that I've missed Thanksgiving. It was always my favorite holiday (not sure why...I must be warped!). However I have some friends coming round next Sunday for a lovely Thanksgiving meal. Mmmmmm Turkey and stuffing and loads of food and Pumpkin Pie! Thanks again mum for bringing the tin of pumpkin with you when you came in September. Hmmmm, I had better get planning! Ack!
Next Sunday is also my 10K run...i've been too busy lately which has caused me to be too tired so my training schedule has gone out the window. I have a 5 mile route planned for tomorrow. I'm not under the illusion that I will be able to run all of it but at least I'll have an idea of how long it'll take next week (I always run quicker in a race!).
If you fancy sponsoring me (it is in aid of Cancer Research) please go to my fund raising site HERE Even Moose has sponsored me...he must have a lot of faith in me!
I hope you all are well! I will post very soon about what I've been up to the past couple of months! I promise!
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Yes...I am still alive
This isn't a very good post and boring I know...but I don't feel quite so bad about not posting as Yvonne has been a bit slack as well lately.
I will try and make a good effort to post more often regardless of being busy...
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Fat Club ~ Week 3
I lost 2.5lbs this week which brings me to a grand total of 7.5lbs in three weeks. At this Rate I'll be down to my target weight before mum comes in October.
Colleen asked me this week how I was losing my weight. I didn't think I had told her that I was going back to Slimming world. Apparently I hadn't, she just noticed that I'm losing it. There are three things that are really encouraging about losing weight.
1) knowing that the numbers are going down on the scale...not up!
2) noticing that your clothes are getting looser.
3) other people noticing that the weight is coming off!
So hopefully next week will be as good as the past three. Smiley is losing weight as well and I'm really enjoying the food this time...Especially the Veggie Lasagna...sooooooo yummy!
I'm hoping to go swimming again tomorrow. I went on Monday and did 880 meters in just under 20 minutes. My goal is to eventually get up to 1 km in 20 minutes...only 6 lengths more!
On a side note...Moose is sick...I don't want to go into it as it isn't pleasant...but he has a poorly bum and the vet thinks he has an auto immune disease. We've got some new medication for him and hopefully it'll work (It should...costs £50 for 2 weeks!). Poor Moose! I feel so bad for him and just hope and pray that this sorts him out.
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
And the Winner is...
Congratulations Jason on winning the Blog off V.2.0.
If you didn't get around to reading Jason's post I would definatly recommend it...they were fantastic.
Unfortunatly I won't be taking part in the next blog off (V3.0) as I'm far too busy at work and life in general at the moment but take a moment to stop by Courtney's site and support her on her three day walk in Seattle.
On a side note...I know I've been crap at posting lately but I've just been busy! If I could post and drive at the same time...that would sort out a lot of issues! But I can't...I'll try to keep up with it while I'm going through this busy period of my life...please bare with me!
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Fat Club...Week 2
Next week should be interesting...I found out yesterday that I'm expected to work in Bracknell three days a week. This is not forever...just for now. It's due to the nature of the project I'm working on. Driving the 170 miles round trip is NOT fun especially as its all motorways and the traffic is horrible...check out this previous post! So I will probably stay in Bracknell on Tuesday and Wednesday nights as to save my sanity! (what's left of it!) Lunches will be I do that'll just be dinners...i'll figure it out.
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Victory...Part II
Thursday, 26 July 2007
This song has been going through my head ever since yesterday morning when I got the word VICTORY. I’ve thought about posting about it but there isn’t much to say. I don’t currently go to Church and haven’t for about 8 or so years…I have my reasons. But this song must have made an impact on me as I remembered the words, and that is quite an achievement. I find I pretty much know the tunes for a lot of hymns but have no idea what the words are. This comes from years and years of playing in the Salvation Army band. I always played the tune…next to never sang it.
It is a good thing I’m not posting about the song…as this would be the end…So even though that song was running through my head the past two days I’m going to go a different way…of course.
V is for Victory, Churchill, WWII…as I was looking up stuff about Victory on the net (I needed some sort of inspiration!) I came across the following pictures.

And then I kept seeing mentionings of it and I became intrigued…Dig for Victory…what does this mean, what does it reference to? I tend to associate Victory with World War II. Obviously there are other Victory’s but this is what I’m focusing on today.
One month into World War II the British Ministry of Agriculture started the Dig for Victory Campaign. The British People were encouraged to turn their yards and pretty much any free and empty land into allotments to “grow their own”. This was started not only to provide much needed food for the British public but it also in turn freed up the much needed space on shipping convoy’s for war materials.

You would not believe the extent that Ministry went to promoting this scheme. They had songs and poems and even little characters to encourage people to eat Carrots and potatoes.

I’m not kidding in the slightest! Check out this site…it shows some of the poems and songs and characters.

It turns out that this worked a treat and people didn’t starve as being on our own tiny island over here…we were prone to the Germans sinking thousands of merchant ships as Britian imported 55 million tons of food a year before the war started.
How did this help the war effort? It meant that merchant ships could focus on supplying the war effort rather than supplying the British people with food.
I find it funny but very sad at my own ignorance that this was one of the most memorable campaigns of the 20th century and I didn’t know anything about it!
The moral of the story…it’s the small things that make a difference!

This was a post for the Blog Off for Breast Cancer V2.0. Please take some time to view some of the other blogs participating, all the links are on the right hand panel. Remember, it's the small things that do your small bit and please click on the banner below to make a contribution to Courtney and her three day walk so we can all have a VICTORY against cancer!
Fat Club - Week One
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Fat Club
So I knew it wasn't good as my fat pants (trousers) are getting a wee bit snug on me...and those are the only pair that still fit me...So I figured something needed to be done. I have 7 months till the wedding which is plenty of time to lose 25lbs. As of this morning's count I've lost 5lbs...and I've not done that well on following the plan this weekend. But it'll get better...I hope! I'm hoping for a 3lb loss on Thursday (at least!)
I'd like to lose a stone (14lbs) by the time I go away for my hen weekend in September. It's doable...and I'm going to sign up for the Cancer Research 10K which will force me to train again...which always helps!
This is what I want to look like (at least!) by my wedding....
This is what I look like at the moment...
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Breasts, or Boobs as I will kindly refer to them for the remainder of the post have a number of functions. These can range from breast feeding a child, a play thing for men, something to fill a bra or even something to help you put on lipstick (The Breakfast Club). They can get in the way as well…fortunately for me I have just enough that I can show them off but not too much that I can strap them down so they don’t slap me in the face when I run.
Boobs, they can give life (or something essential for life) and they can take life.
I don’t have any children, yet. But like to think that when I do, I will breastfeed them. I know that it has been proven that this is the healthiest start for a baby. Mother Natures Nectar. With all our technology available to us we still haven’t created anything as healthy for a baby as mothers milk.
“The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that an infant be breastfed without supplemental foods or liquids for the first 6 months of age” – taken from this site
Over the years there has been increased proof to show that breast feeding is beneficial for both mother and Child.
Babies who are not breastfed are at greater risk for a number of health issues including ear infections, allergic disease and respiratory infections. Also breast fed babies tend to be smarter (I was breast fed…can’t you tell!). Have a look at more benefits of breastfeeding here
We all know that breastfeeding is good for the baby…but what about the mother. Apparently it helps you lose your baby weight after giving birth but did you know it also lowers your risk of hip fractures and bone density not to mention Ovarian and BREAST CANCER.
Heck…who cares if my breasts sag (sorry Smiley)…with those kind of benefits for both me and my future children…I’d be mad not to. (I do know that there are some reasons why some women can’t breast feed and I’m not getting at those people…but not breastfeeding for fear of saggy boobs…heck! That’s what a Wonder Bra is for!)
Unfortunately Boobs can take life as well. And no I’m not referring to the fembot in Austin Powers that has guns for nipples (although that is very amusing and how cool would that be!)
The whole point of this blog-off is to raise money for a cure to Breast Cancer. Courtney lost her mum to the disease and so did Evey . There are others I’m sure and I’m sorry that I didn’t mention you (Eternity, your sis told me about your Aunt…I hope it all works out for the best!)
In the UK in 2005, Breast Cancer was the cause of 17% of all deaths caused by cancer. This is a lot of people, 12,417 to be exact.
Remember, Breast Cancer is not just for women, Men can get it as well (although it is rare).
Please remember to test yourself for breast cancer regularly. The earlier it is caught, the more chance we have of beating it. I’m horrible and next to never self test…if you don’t know how…here are some instructions
This was a post for the Blog Off for Breast Cancer V2.0. Please take some time to view some of the other blogs participating, all the links are on the right hand panel. Also, if you'd like this week's beer money to go to a worthier cause please click on the banner below to make a contribution to Courtney and her three day walk!

Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Riga (That's in Latvia!)
Burt and Sean enjoying my cider far too much while I nipped out to the loo!
Thursday, 12 July 2007

I'm not sure what I think about the word HOPE. I use it all the time. In fact right now I'm hoping that Moose will be ok as we dropped him off at the Kennels for the weekend as we're going away. But we all know what HOPE is but I don't think its easy to explain. I spent some time chatting with my mate to see if I could come up with anything inspiring.
To me HOPE is "The Light at the end of the Tunnel". When we are uncertain about the outcome of an event we have HOPE that it will turn out well.

I grew up in Edmonton and we often used to take trips to Victoria. For those of you know the route between the Rockies and Vancouver know that you go through the town of HOPE. On one of these trips my Dad told me how the Town got its name. He said that the pilgrims named it once they got there after so many hard years of making their way through the mountains.
I looked up the origin of the town HOPE. Unfortunately the story that my dad told is just that, a story. I still feel that the town of Hope is a good representation of the meaning of HOPE.
I love the drive through the Rockies but even to this day I find I end up getting quite bored by the end and wish I was there already. I always feel that by the time we get to Hope we are nearly there...the mountains start to flatten out and I know that we're nearly's the light at the end of the tunnel.
HOPE is more than just wanting..."I hope you have a nice day" is not the same as "I want you to have a nice day". Hope is something that you have when you are uncertain of its outcome. This could be anything from hoping you get the job that you had the interview for last week, or hoping that the cute guy in the next office calls you for that date he promised, or even hoping they find a cure for that disease you've been diagnosed with.
Hope is what keeps us going. It's the optimist in all of us...even a pessimist can have HOPE. No matter how negative our outlook can get there is always a glimmer of HOPE within us (even if we have to dig for it!).
Wednesday, 4 July 2007

We’re all survivors and we all know survivors. We’re a mixed breed really. I kept thinking about this word and wondering how I was going to approach it. I thought about my mum and my future mother in law who have both battled cancer and have come out on top. I thought about random people who have over come their disabilities and situations to become better people. I’ve thought about those who have survived of "Acts of God", ie, Volcano's, Avalanches, earthquakes, floods, etc. and even thought about the TV show "Survivor" and wondered if scheming and backstabbing is what makes a person a "Survivor". All this thinking and I’m still not finding what this word really means to me. After a while I started to wonder what the difference between a survivor and a victim was. To me…a survivor is someone who has battled something and come out stronger…a victim is the same person who battles the same thing but comes out weaker. Obviously this is in reference to spirit and mind, not body. (and not a dictionary definition either, just how I happen to feel about the words)
For those of you who have been watching the news may have heard that the UK is having a rough week. On the selfish and shallow side of things my biggest problem is that we’ve not had any sun for ages…I’m pretty sure it has rained every day for the past 3 or 4 weeks. But this is me being selfish and if I was living in a bubble this is what would concern me the most. However…I don’t live in a bubble, so last week I was watching the news and seeing images of flooded streets and homes and rivers and reservoirs bursting their banks. For those of you who don’t live in the UK may think that this is normal for us. You know…it always rains in England…right? Unfortunately not, that is the case through out the winter but in the summer we are usually suffering from the heat and hose pipe bans as water is scarce.
An Aerial View of the village of Catcliff near Sheffield which was under water after two days of heavy rain.
If you would like to see other images of our week of flooding Please go to the BBC website.
In other news…it seems as though the terrorists have hit again…or at least attempted to. There have been a number of incidents since last Friday.
On the 29th there was an "incident" in London involving a car bomb planted in London which if exploded would have caused serious damage as the car was packed with 60 litres of Petrol, gas cylinders and nails. This was close to the infamous Piccadilly Circus.
On the 30th there was a "blazing car" that crashed into the main terminal at Glasgow Airport was loaded with Gas Cylinders.
On the 3rd there were Security alerts and controlled explosions at Heathrow Airport, Glasgow and Hammersmith in London.
Obviously there are many more details which can be found on the BBC website.
I would love to have a "boring" life…no floods, no terrorist attacks…I would like to say that none of the events over the past 2 weeks have affected me, but it’s obvious that they have as I’m writing about them now.I refuse to be a victim. I refuse to be scared. What is the point? Isn’t fear the true weapon of a terrorist? I don’t go into London very often as it’s quite expensive and there is lots to do around here but I remember seeing a t-shirt after the July 7th bombings which stated that London is not afraid.
I love this t-shirt and yes…many, many people are afraid. Even though none of these incidents have directly affected me as I wasn't there I am still affected indirectly by media and just life in general.
I keep thinking about the difference between a Survivor and a Victim. Here is what the Dictionary says about Survivor:
sur·vi·vor –noun
a person who continues to function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks.
This is who I want to be. I am a survivor.
We should all aim to be survivors regardless what life throws at us.
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Stay posted!
Sunday, 1 July 2007
Happy Canada Day!

Thursday, 28 June 2007
Blog Off!
I am partaking in a Blog Off through out the month of July. This is in aid of raising funds for Breast Cancer. Courtney who is a friend of a friend of a friend...(confused yet?) is doing the 3 day walk for Breast Cancer in Seattle (I think...). The idea is that a large number of people (at least 20 of us this time) are given a random word on a Tuesday and we need to get our creative juices flowing and post on that word by midnight on the following Thursday. This is just a short one. 4 weeks, no eliminations unless you fail to get your post up in time. Everyone votes for their top favorite three and the one with the most votes at the end of the 4 weeks wins the pot (which is half of our entry fee's as the other half goes towards Courtney's fund raising).
Very cool! I read a lot of the posts (more and more towards the end) of the last blog off that Yvonne partook in and I loved it. It was very cool to see how different people think about just one word. Some of the words were Golden, Kiss, Regrets and even Shampoo! Stay posted and I will have links to all the other bloggers on my link bar on the right hand side so feel free to visit them and read what they have to say.
If you are feeling very generous please donate this weeks beer money to this great cause by clicking on the banner below!

Sunday, 24 June 2007

We had our house and yard inspected on the Friday to ensure that it would be acceptable for a dog...which it was. We got permission from our Landlord to get a dog as well which is we are still renting. There were a couple of pictures on the mutts-in-distress site and we thought we would have a look at Joost and Pickle. Joost (moose) was the first dog we saw and he was so calm...and cute! A lot of the other dogs were loud (barking) and were jumping up at the gate. Pickle was the last dog we saw...she was a very boisterous and young female but cute as well, but she would have been harder to train and take care of and I know she would have jumped on every last person she would have seen. I hate it when dogs jump at wouldn't ever want to put anyone else through it with my dog.
So we fell in love with Moose and took him home that day. He was so good I couldn't believe our luck! Poor thing was ill though but we did have people over for a bbq and he got into the sausages and who knows what else he was being fed...too much excitement!
We've now had him for a week and he's so lovely and I adore him so much. He is still so very well behaved, hardly barks, only when he's scared or wants us to pay him more attention that we are but we're trying to curb this and he knows he shouldn't bark.
His history is quite sad. He was a stray in Ireland. Apparently in Ireland they put dogs down very quickly, with in a week I believe and sooner if they aren't well. Joost (Moose) was rescued from the pound. He had a sore on his leg and an abscess in his bum and he was rescued the day he was meant to be put down. He had the snip and the abscess sorted out in Ireland and had all his jabs and was then shipped over to England to the good people at mutts-in-distress. He had been at the kennel for about a month before we adopted him. It just makes me so sad that this dog could have been put down as he is so loving and adorable.
Someone loved him at some point this is obvious. He has been well trained, comes to his name, even though we've changed it only a week ago. He does have a terrible scar down the side of his leg. It looks like a burn and his fur will never grow back there.
I couldn't have wished for a better behaved, more loving dog!

Tuesday, 19 June 2007
New Name
For those of you who require some explination...Evette...Evettie Spaghetti...Spaghetti, Sketti...Can you see the Evolution here? Spaghetti Junction...forget it...It's"our" blog and we like the name!
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Saturday, 9 June 2007
My good friend Yvonne lives in Boston, but she hasn’t always. When I was 14 we became best friends and stayed that way till I moved to Victoria in 1994. Over the years we seemed to have lost touch, as most people do at that age. In February we got in contact again and she kept me sane while I was stuck at home recovering from my sinus surgery as she was online in the afternoons (that would be the benefit of a 5 hour time difference!)
The beginning of May Smiley and I decided that we were going to Boston for the May bank holiday to see Yvonne and Chris. The flights were expensive but it didn’t matter we were going. At least the accommodation was cheap, we were staying with Yvonne and Chris.
Now I was nervous. I was worried that this was going to be one of those reunion where you meet up with an old friend and once you’ve reminisced over the past you no longer have anything else to say as you’ve both grown in different directions and no longer have anything in common but the past. But I was willing to risk it. Yvonne was the best friend that I ever had and if we could manage to be good friends again, it was worth a try!
Now 12 years is a long time to go without seeing someone and needless to say we’ve both changed, but I believe for the better.

I love to walk when we go away. I find I see so much more when we walk and it sort of counter balances all the extra food I eat on holiday as well! I felt really bad as I dragged Yvonne and Chris all over Boston.
We arrived late on the Friday much to Yvonne and Chris’s Dismay…as they were starving! We went and had dinner and went back to the flat and chatted and went to bed…we were too tired to make much sense or be good company.
On Saturday we got a good early start and got to the T station (that would be the subway) and into the centre of Boston for 10:00. We booked tickets to go on the duck tour which was great fun. Yvonne and Chris had never done it before and glad that they did. This Duck tour started at the museum and took us all through town and showed us all sorts of sights including the Hancock tower and Mother goose! We then went into the water! So cool! And saw Boston from the river. It was very amusing as we got to “Quack” at pedestrians on the street!
Here is a picture of us in front of our Duck boat thingy!
We went to Harvard after that and had a wander round and I have a t-shirt…so does that mean I can say “I went to Harvard” ?
(Statue of John Harvard)
We headed back to the flat as friends were coming round for a bbq. But Chris had put seed on the lawn so we had to sit on the driveway. Was great as you could see what the neighbours were up to…which wasn’t very much. Chris made us some fabulous steak…which I could really do with right now…as I’m starving and they were SO good! Jeremy and Kristin were good fun and played along with our game even though they had no idea why they needed to put their thumb on their forehead except for the fact that if they didn’t the last one would get a slap!
I’ve decided that I don’t like the taxi service in Boston. We called 3 different companies a number of times and they all kept saying a car was on the way and it would be there in 5 minutes. An hour and a half later we walked up to the main street and flagged one down for them…turns out it was a completely different company!
Yvonne and I sat and talked after everyone had gone to bed like a couple of white trash wives drinking our bottles of beer on the driveway till 1:30 in the morning. We talked about the past, the present and the future. Our hopes and dreams and it was like we hadn’t been apart for the past 12 years.
Another early start on Sunday as we were out of the house and on our way to Martha’s Vineyard. This isn’t a Vineyard, it’s an island…in fact a lot of the island is “dry” meaning no alcohol is served anywhere. We took the bus down to one town (one that did serve alcohol!) and had lunch. Being totally unprepared none of us brought a jumper with us and with the wind from the sea it was a bit nippy…so we all bought jumpers from Martha’s Vineyard and looked like a load of tourists! Good thing we were! We went on to the next town and decided to go and look for the lighthouse. Too bad the map we were using wasn’t to scale. We walked for miles just looking for this lighthouse. And it was all up hill! We kept walking on the same road hoping it would take us to a bus stop or the next town. But it was too far…and Yvonne and Smiley had already tried to take a nap. So we flagged down a taxi and went back to the ferry terminal.
(Smiley and Yvonne taking a nap)
(A Beautiful Sunset shot taken at Martha's Vineyard)
It was a lovely day but we were all so tired from all the walking and fresh sea air. We got back into town so late that nothing was open…so Chris fired up the bbq again and we had burgers for dinner…was so nice! (except for the mouldy buns…ew!)
Monday we slept in…then went to IHOP for breaky…and didn’t get into town till around 2:30 or so. We hit up both Cheers bars and did part of the Freedom Trail. We managed to get to the British Beer Company JUST in time for dinner…and I mean just. The kitchen closed at 10 and we walked through the door at 9:55! But we got our fish and chips. We had a late night as we didn’t get home till around midnight and then had to pack as we needed to get up early to catch our flight at 9 back to Heathrow.
We had a lovely time and it didn’t matter what we saw in Boston…as we weren’t going to see the City (although Smiley will tell you that we went to see the Cheers Bar). We went to see Yvonne and meet Chris.
I had a great time and was so happy to see my friend again! It’s been two weeks since our weekend away and both Yvonne and I have been so busy! So busy in fact that neither of us have posted about this weekend till now. We’ve not talked much since we’ve got back and I’m worried that she doesn’t like me anymore…I'm hoping that these are just silly and insecure fears!
It is great to be back in touch with old friends…but something I don’t want to do…is lose touch again…just because I’m too busy!
Yvonne, we had a lovely time, don’t think for a second we didn’t. I’m very glad I got to see you again and can’t wait to see you again!
(Yvonne has been a doll and has posted all of our pictures HERE! Have a look!)
Friday, 8 June 2007
On the side of the road...
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Missing: 1 brown mens shoe
I know I've not posted about Boston yet...and I will...I've just been busy...but I had to post about the shoe as it perplexes me!
Monday, 4 June 2007
Say What????
The frustrating thing is that I can't hear anything...well, I can, it's just muffled and I can hear what I say louder than what other people say...and no...that's not because I talk so loud.
Tonight I went to band rehearsal, the first time I've played in 3 weeks. It was horrible! I'm not the best player to start with but tonight it was shocking! I couldn't hear what note I was playing and I could hear the vibrations from my instrument in my ear louder than the music.
We have a function on Saturday and I won't be playing if I still can't hear. Fortunately a new guy came to rehearsal tonight and hopefully he'll take my spot so we won't be short.
It is an eerie (no pun intended) feeling not being able to hear properly!
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Today both Smiley and I had to work away from home...and we both needed the car. So, great plan, we drive to Bracknell, I go to work, Smiley takes the car and drives to Crawley. When he's done he'll go back to Bracknell, pick me up and we'll go home and I'll go back out for my Committee meeting. Sounds fine on paper...
Smiley left Crawley at 4:30 today. He then picked me up at 6 and dropped me off at my committee meeting at 8:30. I was 3o minutes late!
Apparently it takes an hour and 18 minutes to get home from Bracknell
And 49 minutes to get from Crawley to Bracknell
This obviously wasn't the case. There was an accident on the M40 so traffic for miles round was backed up with traffic trying to get on the M40, traffic trying to go around. It's a nightmare!
Leaving the traffic behind when we move back home is not something I'll miss!
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
I usually check my work emails first thing in the morning even if I'm heading into work. Mainly as I don't want to get there and find out that I didn't need to go in as the person I was supposed to meet wasn't going to be there.
Usually I'm quite careful and this morning nothing was different. Smiley brought me up a cup of green tea to drink while I check emails, do my banking and of course have a little look round facebook...
This morning I spilt tea all over my work laptop, and I mean ALL OVER. It was a full cup and I hadn't even had a sip. But bumped it and like slow motion it poured all over the keyboard of my work laptop. It turned itself off (or shorted out...) and as I picked it up tea poured out of it. I tipped it on its side and left it to dry for 2 hours but eventually had to go into work so packed it up and away I went.
2 hours later I got to work (traffic was horrible today) and went to the IT department where he had a wasn't good. Still wet and warm (not sure how it stayed warm for so long). As he was taking out the hard drive so I could use it with a loaner laptop, the very friendly technician said "oh dear...I've never seen one this bad!" The hard drive which is pretty much sealed up in its own compartment was dripping. Fortunately the hard drive still worked and I didn't lose any of my work (Whew!)
Now I have to wait 2 weeks to get my laptop back and I have to use the loaner for my emails and such and another one that we use for demo's for my development work. The loaner one is a bit wussy and won't run a VPC (very nerdy stuff...I'm not going to bother explaining). So now I get to lug 2 laptops around with me for 2 weeks all because I figured my laptop fancied a cup of tea!
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
My Smiley
I'm sitting upstairs, wondering if I should blog...of course I should...but about what...How I'm still not feeling that I've not run in 2 weeks... or not done any exercise in over a I'm going to Boston in 2 sleeps and will have trouble sleeping tomorrow night as I'm so excited...nah...boring...and well, I've said it all already!
But here I sit...chatting away with Yvonne...and I hear Smiley downstairs...He's watching TV. and I hear him Giggle.
This is why I love this man...this is why I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He is so easy going and light hearted that just being around him has made me a better person.
There is an ad (well more than one...but this one comes to mind) on the telly. It is on channel 5 or Five US can't remember which one. But it's in between the breaks for CSI. And it's this American Cop who's a total idiot (it does make fun of Americans...sorry...Funny...and so true!) and there is a whole series of them and they're two part. So the show breaks for ads and the first half of the ad comes on...all the other ads are shown, you know, juice, fence painter, that sort of thing...and then right before the show comes back on it shows the second half of the ad. I have no idea what the ad is for but it's very funny!
Basically this American Cop gets hit on the head with a parking barrier...and Smiley laughs every time he sees it. I can't seem to find it on the web otherwise I'd post it here.
Regardless...I found out the ad he was actually laughing at was the Budweiser ad with the rubber floors.
The fact is this man can laugh! And it's so contagious as well. Sometimes we'll end up laughing so hard about nothing at all...that laugh that you just can't stop and when you do you just burst out laughing just as hard and loud as before. You know what I'm talking about...the laugh that splits your sides and makes you need a wee!
I love my Smiley because he laughs at the stupid commercials on the telly!
Monday, 21 May 2007
Where do you like to eat?
List your top five favourite locations to eat, locally
1. The Tamarind Tree: This has got to be my favorite spot for an Indian. It does cost a couple of quid more than the other Indian's in town. When I first moved to England I didn't like (east) Indian food very much but over the past four years I've grown to love it! My favorite dish is the Lamb Xacute. It's so garlicky and I stink for the whole next day but it's sooooooooo good! We always like to start with poppadoms and they come with yummy dips. Even though it's super hot I love lime pickle and often get cravings for it.
2. Caffe Uno: I know that this is a chain but they've put up with a lot of crap from me. Smiley's Sister-in-law and I used to frequent this restaurant on our lunch dates when I used to work in the town. We used to get 2 for 1 specials and they often have lunch for a fiver which was a bargain! The food is good, Italian style, so Pastas and Pizza...that sort of thing. When I left my job in town I had my leaving party there. They kept telling us to keep the noise down...fair enough...we were quite loud and in the middle of the restaurant. I don't remember much from that night but I do remember nearly falling down the stairs on my way to the loo...Thank goodness David was there to take care of me! There is a waiter there who regularly serves us at lunch and he was unfortunate enough to get the short straw to serve me and my rowdy work mates. Smiley and I took some friends there the other week when they were visiting from New Zealand, good food, good wine and good friends!
3. Choi Tang: This Chinese restaurant opened in the past year. My future sister-in-law switched from Caffe Uno to Choi Tang. We get a 3 course meal, appetisers, soup and main with rice or noddles for £7. Not bad and there is tons of food there! The noodles are my favorite bit...they're fried not too crispy and nice and thin...super, super yummy! My favorite thing out of everything at this restaurant is the company I keep.
4. The Anchor: I was really beginning to get stuck...and as I was trying to think of another "local" place and going through the pubs which I have eaten at and then remembered the Anchor. When Smiley and I lived in Ware we went here a couple of times and even elected to take my brother there when he was visiting. The portions are big and the food is great. It has a lovely atmosphere as well and a great beer garden. The ceilings can be low so if you're tall...make sure you duck!
5. FISH 'n' CHICKn': Ok. I'm hoping that you're all expecting this...but it's my local Chippy. I like fish and chips but I love the southern fried chicken and chips from this place. Even before we moved and this wasn't our local chippy we used to drive up and get our grease fix. It's a small chain as there is another one in Ware and probably some others else where. So when I feel like a nice greasy dinner this is where we go and then sit in front of the telly eating it.
Ok...I know that wasn't very exciting but now for my 5 tagee's
Tanis - As we'll be spending a few days in Calgary in February it would be nice to know of some restaurants to eat in that you recommend.
Matt - I'm sure you and your lovely wife have some haunts in Roseburg.
Julia - Now that you're a new lovely married couple I'm hoping you and Jody will be spending some time together at some of Victoria's lovely restaurants. Tell me what they are so I can live vicariously through you!
Kirsten - With two little kiddies it would be interesting to see what your favorite places to eat would be with or with out the kiddies and to compare that with Tanis's selection.
Bethany - this is a horrible and sly way of getting you to start blogging! I would love another way of keeping up with what you are up to these days!
Once the five of you have completed your post can you please let Nicole know. She started this and is keeping track of it all...very cool!
I know it wasn't as good as Yvonne's post...but like I was difficult for me as we don't eat out very often (and I don't have pictures for you either)!
Sunday, 20 May 2007
weigh-in day...and Happy housework!
I've been on the diet for 4 weeks now and it's been really, really good. I have chosen the Healthy Eating diet as that way once I'm used to it I can eat like this forever! I've never been one for fad diets as there isn't much point if you just go back to the way you used to eat once you've lost the weight...turns out it just piles on so much quicker...or so I've heard...
I lost 3lbs this past week...which is great! They do say 1-2 lbs a week is perfect...and I would be very happy with that. Over 4 weeks I've now lost 5lbs so the 1-2 lbs a week rule is working just fine. I'm unsure if the reason I've had such a good result this week is because I've stuck to the plan (almost perfectly) or because I've not been very well.
Technically I should be down to my goal weight by July. Which would be great! I'm hoping that I'll feel well sometime this week so I can get a run in and a swim.
I love just takes a lot of effort to go and do it. I always feel slimmer after I've had a swim. I usually only swim for 20 minutes and I do about 40 lengths...that's 800 meters. I have in the past got right up to 46 lengths which is 920 meters...but I'm not sure what it is about swimming...possibly its the fact that as you drag yourself through the water you are stretched just a tiny bit and end up being a bit that means that the weight is distributed! Ok...I know I'm talking out of my A$$ but I do feel trimmer after a good swim!
Today is supposed to be Happy Housework day...well, technically yesterday was but there wasn't a chance that I was going to manage it yesterday. I'm feeling better...not great still, but better than before...but I still don't think I'm up for Happy housework...or any housework for that fact. I may just crawl back into bed. The only thing that may change my mind is the fact that it's a lovely day out and I love hanging the washing out to dry...I guess I could do the washing...Bathroom will have to wait till later in the week.
I'm also very excited about going to Boston...a little nervous in fact...but very excited. Only 5 more sleeps! yipee!
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Stupid Cold!
I hate being ill. Especially this time as I feel it's drained me so much! I've not even been able to sleep very well as my sore throat has been killing me. I'm glad that I didn't have much planned for this weekend as it meant that I don't have to feel too bad about not doing anything this weekend.
I'm definitely on the mend so I will be much better for our trip to Boston on Friday! For those of you who stop by, Thanks...feel free to leave a comment as it's nice to know I'm not just talking to myself. :)
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
9 Sleeps!!!!
I'm completely addicted to Facebook and I've recently added an ex from High School in Victoria. He wrote on my wall and said the following:
"It's weird I haven't seen you in 10 years yet you still mange to pop into my brain every time I smell strawberries or hear the name Yvonne (did she really exist or was she an imaginary friend I cannot remember)"
The thing is...I don't remember talking about Yvonne that much...but I must have if I made that sort of impression.
Yvonne and I had some great times and even though I don't remember all of them I do remember the time we spent on the phone talking about everything under the sun! Since February we've been back in contact...Thank you Amanda! We now talk nearly every day again via MSN Messenger (We'd be poor if we called on the phone every day!)
We're both looking forward to seeing each other again and we have lots planned. Will be great fun! Stay posted for "The Adventures of Evey and Evey!"
Monday, 14 May 2007
You know that feeling????
I hate colds! And i have a meeting with a client in London on Thursday! I can't have a cold! I'm far to busy for that.
Going to bed to let the sleep warriors fight off my cold!
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Just a quick update...
Today has been a good day...which is a good thing obviously!
Work has picked up again which is great...I love being busy at's so much better than not doing anything! I always like to think I would love to do nothing but watch tv and movies and surf the net...but after doing that for 2 and a bit weeks while I was recovering from my thank you! I would much rather be crazy busy and then take some brilliant and well deserved holidays. I really do like my job which apparently is quite unusual. I like what I do and who I work with (generally). So being busy again is great!
I went for a run today. I attempted my Run 12 minutes, Walk 3 minutes and Run 12 minutes again...but it wasn't happening for me. I went a different route, a flat route to see if it was the hills that were making it next to impossible to finish the second leg of my training. Unfortunatly it was worse this time than last. I ran 12 minutes, without stopping, walked, stretched... and tried to start running again even though my calves were so tight and hard as rock. I managed another 5 minutes but I had to stop and walk...I could hardly walk by this point and decided enough was enough and headed home.
I've been stretching all day and even put deepheat on them to see if they would relax just a bit...they are a bit better but still not great. I'll stretch them again tomorrow to see if they'll loosen up and hopefully with lots of water between now and Friday I'll actually crack this session!
I think I'm back on track with my weightloss again. I did put on 2lbs last week (I know it's the end of the world right!) but I do struggle when we eat out...I figure it's a why deprive yourself right? Well...I do have to learn...and 4 drinks a week! What was I thinking!'s fine for a normal week...but if I have something on then I drink more than my 4 glasses of wine!
But not this weekend! I will only have my four drinks...and I will lose the weight i gained...and if I don''s not the end of the world. But I am sticking to my 4 drink limit!
So it seems that my blues have gone away...which is great! I'm feeling more like myself again! Shame the weather isn't nicer!
Monday, 7 May 2007
Second Chance...
Readers Digest Version...I didn't clean the house on Saturday although the washing was done and the bed clothes changed and mattress it's something. Smiley sorted his share out and cleaned the kitchen and hoovered today.
I also didn't run on Sunday as Scheduled...But will run on Wednesday, rain or shine...Actually I like running in the's lovely and cool!
I have reasons why I didn't complete these tasks...things that I so desperately want to do but have trouble actually getting the motivation to do them. But that is besides the point...they aren't very good reasons and bottom line...I was lazy and didn't do it.
The past week I've found myself feeling in a bit of a slump...and I'm not sure why. I thought it was because I wasn't getting out enough but I don't think thats it. I've yet to put my finger on it. For those of you who do pray...I could do with one for guidance...or uplifting, something but I'm not sure what.
Today was a good day although I'm feeling very tired now (it is 20 past it's expected). We went with friends of ours, Noel and Julia and their daugher Elizabeth to Mole Hall Wildlife park. the weather wasn't great and I had a text from Noel at 10 asking me if the rain would stop. We did luck out and the rain pretty much held out for us except for one short shower where we found shelter. The ground was awfully muddy but fun was had by all.
Here is a picture of Elizabeth in the mud after trying to chase some ducks.
After it had stopped raining Elizabeth decided that she wanted a "brollie" so I gave her cute!
Smiley and Noel joined in with the fun and games and had a go on the see-saw...I'm pretty sure it wasn't build to withstand the weight of two grown men...Look how it bows!
So I got a second chance to post this blog...We often get second chances in life...and we should seize them with all we've got!
I'm still frustrated with the lack of stuff I did this weekend (other than feeding deer and ducks today and drinking too much with friends from New Zealand on Saturday night). I know that its not the end of the world. I'll clean the rest of the house one evening this week after work, it shouldn't take me more than an hour or so...and I'll pick up my running schedule on Wednesday.
I like second chances...I've recently got a chance to get to know my bestfriend from high school. We drifted apart once I moved to Victoria but with the great technology of the internet we have reconnected and she's been a life saver for me the past couple of months. Smiley and I are going out to see her and her husband in Boston the end of this month. Only for a weekend mind you as I don't have much leave left. I'm so excited to see her again and I'm determined to make sure we don't lose touch again.
We all get second chances...lets make sure we don't miss out on them!
I just typed in this huge post explaining my frustrating...and it just deleted itself...Recover post does my 40 minutes spent on this has just been wasted and I am now more frustrated and even angry now that this has happened! (it even had some cool pictures!)
I'm going ot make the bed and if I feel like it I'll try again.
Friday, 4 May 2007
Slight Set back.
The first 12 minutes were pace was quicker than Wednesday and I didn't feel like a little old granny running down the road. When the 12 minutes ended I felt ok. I felt I could keep running...tired but my legs weren't tired and I had a great rhythm...I walk for 3 minutes and start a up hill that usually kills me every time. I started my second set of 12 minutes halfway up this it was hard to start because of the hill, forget being tired or anything...So I get up the hill and I keep running, Then it's level, and then it goes down a I'm at about 5 minutes into my 12 minutes and I'm getting tired...and there is another hill but not nearly as long as the previous hill, but same gradient. Thinking I may die at the top of that hill I keep going...6 minutes left...but it's flat (almost)...and then my calves start seizing! OUCH! I stopped...Stopped my stopwatch so I could continue after I sorted out my calves...I walked slowly till the light post and stretched them...both! Usually I end up with tightness in one, but hardly ever both at the same time. It must have been that last hill! So I stretch them out and thanking that they didn't cramp completely!
5 1/2 minutes left to run...totally tired and now sore I'm not sure I'll manage ran at lunch time...which means it's hot I mark my point...the curb...and I start running again...I am now running like a little granny chasing her yappy mutt down the road...4 minutes, 3 1/2, 3 minutes left...So tired! 1 minute left...Usually my last minute I give all I've got and run faster or run rather than I tried to push myself but I would not move even slightly I finished my second 12 minutes...even though I stopped in the middle to stretch...but I will have you note that I did indeed stop my timer on my watch so I would continue running and complete the second 12 minutes! it was hard today...and I had to stop...I still ran for 24 minutes. 12 minutes, then 6 1/2 minutes and then 5 1/2 minutes...that'll do.
I am doing a 6 week training program for a 5km once I get to the fourth week where I'm up to running for 40 minutes straight I'll switch to a 10km training program. Also, my run isn't until if I miss a session (which I won't!) or have to repeat a session till I get it then it's not a big deal!
So Sunday morning I will be repeating today's run...Run 12 minutes, walk 3 minutes, Run 12 minutes...with of course a warm up and cool down attached on either side. I figure this is important to complete fully before moving on. The next session after this is a 25 minute run (without stopping!).
I'm really enjoying my running and it's doing wonders for my hips! Which of course is great! I really enjoyed my first 12 minutes today...the first time in a very long time that it wasn't hard to start running...yes, hard to finish my run...but not hard to start. I am making great progress and will crack the 2 12 minute sessions on Sunday! I will be in great shape for my 10K run in October. I would like to complete it in under an hour but I think that may be wishful thinking...we'll see!
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
I was very tired on the way to work this morning and the traffic was terrible. I got to work and Mr. Anonymous was regretting the fact that he suggested I came in today as I'm sure I drove him mad!
That is the thing with working from's great as you can get up at 8:30 and spend all day working in your jim jams...but the problem is that I don't see anyone else (other than Smiley of course) so when I do see real people and not just contacts on my msn list or emails or phone calls...I just say whatever comes to mind and it usually ends up being such crap!
I we were talking about Eggs! Eggs! For crying out loud! I won't go into the details as it is quite disgusting and I can't believe we had such a discussion...but it always happens...I go into work about once a week and when I do I end up just saying everything that comes to mind! This is the biggest problem with working from home...when I do see people they have to endure my complete and random thoughts!
(BTW...The whole Egg conversation wasn't started by me...but I did have to input my 2 cents worth!)
I'm back to Bracknell again tomorrow after a conference call (don't worry I will be on mute!). I'm hoping that I got my people fix today and tomorrow my verbal diarrhea won't make another appearance!
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Yes...I will run tomorrow morning!
So...My goal for tomorrow morning is to get up at 6 and sort out my lunch and then go off for my run. I should be able to get everything done and get off to work no problem by 8...should be able to. I'm such a procrastinator I never can seem to get moving in the morning! So watch this space...I will run tomorrow...and I will report back tomorrow evening!
Sunday, 29 April 2007
9 months and 17 days...
In light of my up coming nuptials (He he!) I've started my fitness program...I'm always trying to be fit. I have a gym membership and I always lose weight right before summer and keep it off all summer long...but start to put it on just before November...and then there's Christmas...such a vicious circle! But not this year! I'm going to lose the weight and keep it off over the winter! I must otherwise I won't fit into my dress!
But here is my progress...I started last Sunday on my new "diet". It's a healthy eating diet...but it's basically re-educating me on what to eat and how much to eat and giving me lots of new's been good. But I lost 4lbs the week before I started...Which was great...and this past week I've lost another 3lbs! I was so happy this morning as I stepped on the scales. I know that it's not always going to be like this but as long as I focus and keep motivated then I will succeed.
I've also started running again. I do enjoy running (and it helps with the weight around my hips and thighs!) but I have a bigger goal this year. For the past three years I've run in the Cancer Research "Race for life" and every year I've had the same goal. "To run the whole thing and to do it in less than 30 minutes". The first two years I didn't succeed in either item...but last year I trained a lot...and ran the whole thing and in under 30 minutes. 29:12 to be exact! And it was 32 degrees and there wasn't any shade along the whole route. Needless to say...IT WAS HOT!
So this year...i needed a new Goal. I'm going to do the Cancer Research 10K and my to run the whole thing and to do it in less than 65 minutes...I have a lot of training to do!
I've not started my fundraising yet but once I do I will post a link so you can all sponsor me! :)
As for our wedding...we're getting it sorted...just last week we decided on our invites, our place holders and our party favours! I've already got my dress and we've decided on the dresses for the's quite difficult planning a wedding over the Internet...but it will be great fun for all (I hope anyways!)
Till next time!